6 Massagetyper: Välj den bästa för dig
mars 5, 2020
6 Massagetyper: Välj den bästa för dig
mars 5, 2020

Neurosedative Chiro massage

This technique is assigned for overcoming mental stress and its consequences as permanent fatigue, apathy, sleep disturbance, irritability and many psychosomatic disorders: hypertension, stenocardia, gastric ulcer, diabetes, skin diseases and etc. Neuro-sedative massage improves organism adaptability, stress resistance, so called “antistress immunity”, reduces dominant hemisphere activity, synchronizes electrical activity of hemispheres, stimulates brain pleasure centers, and releases stress battling endorphins. Unlike other techniques Neuro-sedative massage is based on continuous line scheme, all motions are similar and done in a repetitive rate. Induction and kinesthetic trans receptions (passes, alternate effleurage, simultaneous work with both limbs) subconsciously forms an association with “early tactile stimulation” or motherly touches to child. It is just soft, monotonous, infrequently changed senses that are at most relaxing , improve functional state, bring on healing positive emotions. Working with this technique helps to restore inner internal contact, to reunion body and mind unity, overcome depression, stress and harmonize general condition. Neuro-sedative massage is used in facial care, as well as body health-improving care. Neuro-sedative massage is now inevitable and necessary part of SPA-therapy.